
My name is Vit Skala, and I'm a founder of the School Can Be Fun project. This project aims at both students and their parents to help them easily adopt effective study skills.

As the father of two young-adult children, I realized that ineffective studying causes many problems and a lot of undue stress from school. In the last few years, I’ve invested a lot of time and energy into my children to help them reduce their study-related stress and find the right balance between time and results.

Of course, my children were not the only ones struggling with this. When I realized how wide-spread of a problem it was, I decided to share my experience with all who are interested - the School Can Be Fun project began.

Seeing how my strategies helped them to get through school, my kids have contributed in ways I am most grateful for. My son, currently studying at a prestigious technical university in Prague, helps me with various programming tasks for the project. My daughter, on the other hand, created many of the animations that you’ll find throughout the first course. She attends a professional graphical high school and has the best marks in her class. This is their way of giving back to something that helped — and continues to help — them to fulfill their dreams.

How Can this Project Help You?

  • If you are a high school student, click here.
  • If you are a college/university student, click here.
  • If you are the parent of a teenage student, click here.
  • You can also join the SGC to follow related news.
  • Follow the project's Facebook and Twitter for tips and ideas.
  • Subscribe to our YouTube channel for motivational videos, as well as additional tips.
  • Read inspiring articles on the Tumblr platform.

Feelings of consumers are what counts.

"It took me months to learn some new stuff before. I can learn complex computer topics only in three days now! And to master in some specific topic I require only one month now."
Navis Michael Bearly J

Read more testimonies of people who already took any of our courses.

Download the Study Strategy Plan to start with the steady New Year's resolution! (doc version)

More About the Project

School Can Be Fun was officially launched in November of 2014 by opening the first course, “Improve Your Study Skills in Two Hours - Ace Exams”, on the Udemy platform.

However, in July 2014 I tried to find additional resources for professional work on Indiegogo. Despite the fact that I didn’t get the required finances through crowdfunding, I continued to work. I opened the second course in February 2015, and the third that following April. The next course — a special free course focused on the holidays — was opened in July 2015.

There are already more than 2,000 students subscribed to these courses, and almost all participants have found them useful.

All courses are available on Udemy, Learn Social, and Zenler.

The e-book "School Can Be Fun: Step in a New Perspective of Your Life" is published and available exclusively on Amazon. We have developed the free virtual game "Help Emily".

Are you interested in what that media has to say about the School Can Be Fun project? Click here.

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My Background

I recognize education as one of the most important parts of any person’s life.

Unfortunately, the school system in many countries makes education much harder than it really needs to be. It’s very often focused on memorizing information rather than truly understanding the topic; students are expected to simply meet the teacher’s demands, not to cultivate their personal gifts and abilities.

I have reached the highest possible academic education available. I graduated from two different universities in two different fields of study (forestry and public policy), and am a doctor of philosophy in public and social policy. Even with these achievements, I know I’m not perfect. I make mistakes, and I know that there is still much that I am not aware of. Still, this combination of technical and humanistic education — as well as my many diverse life experiences — helps me to bring a comprehensive view to many issue, including effective study.

I enjoy the process of learning, and want to share my passion with others so that they too can reach any goal they set for themselves.

If you are interested in a formal way of education look at my certificates.

Do You Like this Project?

I know that many students already learned plenty of tips and tricks that helped them study more efficiently thanks to this project.

However, there are still millions of other students struggling with the high expectations placed on them to succeed. Learning and practicing the methods of proper study could help them melt off most of the stress they’re facing, but I can’t teach them myself.

I need your help to share these ideas. As the project grows, I appreciate seeing students, educators, journalists, and enthusiastic parents sharing their ideas and experiences. More people participating means more "colour" information and an overall wider and more meaningful impact. If you have any ideas on how you can join this project, write and let me know. I’d love to hear them!

If you would like to help, here are some easy ideas to get you started:

Do you have any suggestions that you think would help kids to study and learn? Or perhaps you have some tips or recommendations that should be shared? I’d love to hear about it!
Everyone is welcome to join and participate!